How to Make an Informed Decision When Buying a Lemon Juicer

Lemon juice has a lot of health benefits for you and your family. It would be best if you made it as often as possible. It would be best if you got a lemon juicer for use at your home to do this.
Lemons are loaded with many Vitamin C that helps improve your immunity and fight diseases. Daily intake of vitamin C reduces the risk of getting heart disease and prevents stroke. Lemons have some plant compounds that help lower cholesterol in our bodies.
Weight loss is another benefit that we get by taking lemon juice. Lemon juice contains iron and helps absorb iron from other foods, therefore protecting you against anemia. Lemons also help reduce the risk of cancer and also aid in digestion.
To enjoy all these benefits of lemon juice, you need to get the right lemon juicer to help extract the juice from the lemons.
From a broad perspective, two types of lemon juicers can be used to extract juice from lemon fruits.
- Manually operated juicers
These are also called hand-operated juicers since they are handheld. They are categorized as squeezers or reamers. They are made either from plastic or stainless steel. They are cheaper than electric juicers. They are smaller and lighter in weight.
To operate, you need to cut the lemon into half and press the lemon to produce juice. They have filters to help separate fiber and seeds from the fruit juice. Manual juicers take more times and energy to operate. They also extract little juice.
- Electricity operated juicers
Electric juicers are easier to use and more efficient and take less time to make juice. They are more expensive and do better than manually operated juicers.
Electric juicers are further categorized as:
- Citrus juicers
They are designed and made to extract juice from lemons and other citrus fruits like oranges and lime. They are similar to manually operated, but they are powered by electricity.
- Centrifugal juicers
These types of juicers are used to make juice from citrus fruits and other types of fruits. In contrast to citrus juicers, these juicers are used for other types of fruits and vegetables.
To use this type of juicer to get juice from lemons, you need first to peel them. The peeled lemon is then put through a chute to a chamber that grates the lemon and expels the juice through centrifugal action. These juicers are very fast.
The downside to this type of juicer is that the juice gets oxidized due to heat generated during the process, lowering the juice quality.
- Masticating juicers
Masticating juicers are good for leafy and high-fiber fruits and vegetables. They are also referred to as cold press juices since they do not produce heat. They use stronger motors to enable them to squeeze the juice out of the fruits.
In summary, all the above juicers can do a good job when it comes to making juice from lemons. Making a decision boils down to personal preference, budget, and the desired outcome.